Japansm.com contains sexually explicit content. Entering www.japansm.com implies that a visitor is of the legal age in his or her state, province or region to view and buy sexually-explicit images and other materials.
If you are not of legal age or the viewing of sexually-explicit content is in violation of your local community standards, please leave our site now.
We use an external secure shopping cart provider and you can pay with Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
We can also accept Checks and Money Orders.
All transaction details are sent securely using 256-bit encryption for your safety.
No personal details are stored on our server.
Discreet billing. No references to Japansm.com or adult materials.
We ship in generic unmarked packaging materials that would not disclose the contents inside.
Return sender name displays 3 initials and our return address.
Customs forms will make no reference to adult products.
No references to Japansm.com or Japan Video World.
We charge a flat rate of $8 for an order of any size.
Packages arrive in 3-5 days.
International shipping is a flat rate of $14.00 for Air Mail.
International packages usually arrive in a week after shipped.
All delivery times are estimates.
Return Policy:
All sales are final.
No refunds or exchanges.
Defective discs are replaced with the exact same item.
Each order placed is considered a “Custom Order” or made-to-order purchase.
Each order requires processing time.
If you have a problem with a DVD we will send a replacement out right away.
Usually there is no need for a return.
If a large number of discs are non-working we might require a return for inspection.
If a replacement for a defective item is no longer available we will offer an alternative selection.
Not satisfied with the video or audio quality? We will offer a replacement or alternative title (if replacement is not available).
Please note:
DVD Player comparability issues are extremely rare, but can happen.
We do not give refunds or replacements for compatibility issues.
We have not had a report of any compatibility issue in over 10 years!
If you place an order in error, please contact us within 24 hours. Sometimes we process orders within minutes.