Welcome to the new Japan Video World!

You may have noticed that the site is all new!

We were forced to do this because our old shopping cart software was barely functioning.

We spent hours on the phone with support, but they refused to fix it after nearly a month and claimed it was “user error”.

I got tired of dealing with that. It was extremely stressful and customers had a hard time ordering.

The software i’m using is completely new to me and it will take some time to get everything perfect.

I avoided switching to a CMS (Content Management System) for years because I had no clue how to use one properly.

Would you believe I used plain HTML and CSS with Dreamweaver for the site for nearly 20 years? Not many people do that these days.

Manually adding 15,000 DVDs to the site was not something I was capable of doing.

I ended up having to add all the products without the actress names. It was impossible to add them all.

I will slowly add all of them in the next few weeks while working on orders.

Eventually I will even add all my old reviews back to the site.

It is now a lot easier to add products to the cart! You can add them on the catalog pages or from the full product page.

No more “Add to Cart” windows to keep closing!

Best of all, the site is now a lot better for mobile devices.

You can even checkout without an account no problem.

Creating an account will allow you to see a list of previous purchases so you don’t order something you already have.

One nice thing about the new site is that I can now do monthly updates in just an hour instead of a full day!

No more typing filenames manually into an HTML file (yes, I seriously did that!).

I know people get annoyed with major changes on a site, but I hope most of you will give it a chance.

I tried to make the new site as simple and easy to use as possible.

I will slowly improve it over the next few months.

Switching to a new site is actually a scary process. So many bad things can happen, but I think everything will be perfectly fine!

Thank you!

PS in case you were wondering, everything that was on the old site is still on the new one. No removed DVDs at all!

I will do my best to add all the actress names back ASAP. It may take me several months.

My old site had no database of information that I could simply copy over to the new site. It was all text.

That’s why it will take so long.

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